Wilson Home Comfort, LLC 2019-01-02T23:17:16Z Wilson Home Comfort, LLC Wilson Home Comfort, LLC Wilson Home Comfort, LLC <![CDATA[WiFi/ Smart Thermostats ]]> wifi-smart-thermostats 2019-01-02T23:17:16Z

Benefits to a WiFi or Smart Thermostat...

<![CDATA[Air Duct Cleaning ]]> air-duct-cleaning 2018-04-16T03:04:18Z

Why Have your Air Ducts Cleaned?

<![CDATA[Preventative Maintenance Agreement]]> preventative-maintenance-agreement 2018-04-16T03:00:47Z

Have you signed a PMA with Wilson Service Company? This agreement lines you up to have your home HVAC system checked every 6 months - Spring and Fall.

<![CDATA[The dangers of Carbon Monoxide.]]> the-dangers-of-carbon-monoxide-f4f019af5131 2018-01-19T19:26:47Z According to the CDC 400 plus Americans die from carbon monoxide poisoning each year not related to fires. In addition, over 20,000 check into emergency rooms and over 4,000 are admitted into the hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning needs to be taken serious in every home.

<![CDATA[Winter Indoor Humidity]]> winter-indoor-humidity-d80ddb1663e6 2018-01-13T12:46:12Z

It's that time of year where our furnaces dry out the air, our noses, throats, furniture and much more. This can leave a lot of damage to cabinets, wood floors and of course be an irritant. Wilson Service Company highly recommends adding a whole house humidifier to your home or ways to add humidity to your home safely to k

<![CDATA[Have You Switched from R-22 to R-410A Air Conditioning system?]]> have-you-switched-from-r-22-to-r-410a-air-conditioning-system-5de871def1b2 2018-01-13T12:34:54Z

Refrigerants are what make air conditioning your home possible. Contained within the coils of an air conditioner, these liquid agents cool and dehumidify indoor air. For many years, the most common refrigerant used in air conditioning systems was R-22, (Refrigerant 22). Since R-22 is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon, however, it contains environmentally harmful ozone-depleting chlorine. As of 2010, the manufacture of systems using R-22 was prohibited, and by 2020, the production of R-22 itself must cea...
